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The promise in Revelation 3:10 to keep the church in Philadelphia (brotherly love) from the time of tribulation is fulfilled in Revelation 12:5.  This website exists to help you fulfill that prophecy.  Analysis of the details in Rev. 12:5 and following verses shows the man-child or new man is about to wield the rod of iron given in Rev. 2:26-27 to smash nations as vessels of pottery and as they are about to wield it, they ascend to God and His throne and use the rod to fight Satan and his followers casting them out of heaven.  The previous verses show the woman who bears the new man is standing on the moon which symbolizes Jesus' true 4 gospel church, so prayerfully start one today.

The left behind believers who follow pastors more than Jesus must suffer the Great Tribulation to humble them so they will obey Revelation 18:4 to be loyal to Jesus instead of Pastors so they can ascend to heaven as Jesus returns to earth.  Considering the Great Tribulation starts in Rev. 16:18-19 it is wiser to pursue Jesus more perfectly now to escape the Tribulation.  Considering there is only about 7 years difference between the ascension of the new man and the ascension as Jesus returns, you should really try to obey Jesus now.

These truths came into focus by prayerful pursuit of God's Truth. My dad prayed to have smart kids.  In childhood I saw cartoon heros so I prayed to be Superior, better than all.  God answered in many ways, from 99th percentile in Science, then after my dad died, leading to a philosophy teacher who spoke of pursuing truth and from there to the most advanced truth seeking denomination of the time where I learned how to study the Bible and love its truth.


Upon leaving I debated a man on elders, proving God never authorized or approved them.  Seeing library materials on church, some detailing sins of cults, I asked what is wrong with all of them instead of focussing on each alleged church.  God led me to notice Revelation 17:5 and 18:4 where I realized it cites by reference all denominations as daughters of Babylon or Roman Catholicism, born during the Great Reformation and since.  

I prayed to find out what caused the prostitution and was led to backtrack to Romans which taught those who became Catholics and Paul who disobeyed Jesus in many ways most clearly by setting up positions where people could use their old pre-believer satanic thoughts, energy, and influence in hierarchies to rule over God's spiritual people who were created equal under Jesus, instead of following Jesus' stages of spiritual growth.  Paul also changed voluntary giving into a duty to donate.  Asking further I was led to see Jesus' perfect church example in the Gospel.  

The concern many have for the immoral behavior in America provided an opportunity to examine our roots and discover this nation was founded by Christians, for Christian freedom such that Thomas Jefferson  printed Bibles to civilize Indians giving a precedent for civilizing today's terrorists, and the world.  So we Christians own America and it's time to beat Satan out of us, church, and state by serious prayer in preparation for casting Satan out of heaven in Rev. 12:7-12.  JesusPAC provides a means of communication to build the man-child for Rev. 12:5.  This prayer must continue lest we be unprepared when Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit 1000 years.after America and the world becomes Jesus'.

Fulfilling Rev. 12:5

The confirmation for me was the 2011 Virginia Earthquake, God's answer to my prayer to shake up Washington DC, which precisely fulfills the description of the Rod of Ion in Rev. 2:26-27, required in Rev. 12:5. Have you or anyone you know prayed that seriously with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength?  

Rev. 12:5 does not specify a number. As the pre-tribulation ascension or rapture in fulfillment of the promise in Rev. 3:10 it is expected the number may be less than the number which pass through the Great Tribulation demonstrated by their survival in Rev. 17:5, to be divided by Jesus' 10 virgins test between those who are taken up as Jesus returns and those who are left behind. I don't know if I am the first or only preparing for Rev. 12:5 but it is reasonable that all who follow Paul instead of Jesus by disobeying Jesus in setting up positions of carnal hierarchy over God's spiritual people instead of growing through Jesus' stages of spiritual growth are probably going to suffer Rev. 16:18-19 to humble them. So Paul's denominations rejecting this truth is not unexpected. I do expect to be taken more seriously after the events of Rev. 8 if they happen during 2020 as projected by my Timeline menu item.

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